Affinity Groups

Access Services Affinity Group (ASAG): Through regular contact and communication, group members unite to enhance Circulation, Course Reserves, and Interlibrary Loan policies and procedures. Discussions about annual reconciliation, lending policies, OCLC updates, and supervision of student workers are regular topics of discussion as well as enhancements and procedures of the WorldShare Management Services (WMS) Circulation module to ensure best practices for the consortium. Members stays current with emerging technologies and best practices of the profession and meetings provide opportunities for sharing with colleagues.

Archives Affinity Group (AAG): Provides a space for HELIN members to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and share resources related to the fields of archives, records management, and special collections librarianship.

Digital Collections Affinity Group (DCAG): Provides a forum for knowledge sharing and collaboration around collecting, preserving, and providing access to digital collections.

Electronic Resources Affinity Group (ERAG): Collaborates and shares information about potential new databases, serials, and other electronic resources; shares information, troubleshooting tips, etc. about existing databases, serials, and other electronic resources; and discusses any other e-resources or serials topics that arise.

Research and Instruction Affinity Group (RIAG): Serves as a forum for engagement between regional librarians working in reference and instruction. It will foster a dialogue focused primarily on the practice of reference and information literacy instruction, both online and in-person, as well as related outreach and assessment efforts.
